Carpenter in roof trusses

Construction Contracting 2025SP

Jan 21, 2025 - May 16, 2025
4.5 CEUs

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Full course description

Course Overview:
This course covers various aspects of construction contracting including interpretation, formation, terms, bidding, breach, innovative methods, change orders, bonds, and federal contracting. 

Learning Outcomes:
a. Present overview of construction relationships
b. Review the fundamentals of contracting and interpretation
c. Discuss bidding
d. Outline subcontracting relationships
e. Present bonding and insurance 
f. Analyze federal contracting requirements

1. Contract Formation, Terms, Interpretation, 2. Special Provisions
3. Legal and Regulatory Structure
4. Bidding
5. Bonds: Payment, Performance
6. Subcontracting
7. Insurance 
8. Change Orders
9. Termination, Breach and Liquidated Damages
10. Innovative Contracting
11. Federal Contracting and Labor Laws
12. Current Topics, e.g. pandemic implications

Dr. Carlos Sun, P.E., Professor, J.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Non-credit, 4.5 continuing education units

Adult Learners

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